The weather station provides the following readings:
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Wind speed
- Wind direction
- Rainfall
- Barometric Pressure
The rest of the observations on this website are done via software calculations and quality control checks to make sure the data is valid. Due to the location of the anemometer and windvane, wind data from the west and east are less reliable. All weather observations are also posted to the following website:
- KMEPHIPP8 on Weather Underground
- Station hardware: Vantage Pro2
- Server uptime: 5017060 seconds
- WeeWX uptime: 3885974 seconds
- WeeWX version: 4.10.2
- Belchertown Skin Version: 1.2
- WeeWx weather software
- HighCharts for the various charts on the website
- The Belchertown skin theme built for WeeWx
- The forecasting extension for WeeWx
- The PurpleAir extension for WeeWx
- The Xtide program by David Flater.
- Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station
- Intel NUC5PPYH running Debian 10